Improving the health and well-being of all Alabamians
We are a behavioral healthcare provider alliance dedicated to organizational and service excellence providing behavioral health, addiction recovery and developmental support services for consumers, families and communities in 21 predominantly rural Alabama counties with a population of approximately 614,000. The member agencies serve approximately 27,000 Alabamians each year.
Northwest Alabama Mental Health Center
Serving Walker, Winston, Marian, Lamar, and Fayette Counties
Contact at 205-387-0541
East Central Mental Health Center
Serving Pike, Bullock and Macon Counties
Contact at 334-566-6022
Cahaba Mental Health Center
Serving Dallas, Perry and Wilcox Counties
Contact at 334-875-2100
South Central Alabama Mental Health Center
Serving Butler, Coffee, Covington, and Crenshaw Counties
Contact at 334-222-2523
Southwest Alabama Behavioral Healthcare Systems
Serving Clarke, Conecuh, Escambia, and Monroe Counties
Contact at 251-575-4203 or 800-239-4673
- Sharing programmatic and related data among Members aimed at improving productivity and effectiveness of the service delivery system.
- Regional advertising programs aimed at educating the public to services offered by Members.
- Technical assistance in program development, management and cost allocation.
- Training and education services for Members on new developments and trends in the behavioral health care industry.
- Forum for providers to discuss issues pertaining to their organizations.
- Accommodate new and innovative programs and arrangements for behavioral health care payment and delivery.
- Establish processes to promote evidence-based behavioral health care and patient engagement.
- Improve quality and efficiency of behavioral health services.
- Processes to report on quality cost measures and care coordination.
- Performance standards for providers.
Mental Health First Aid
2024 National Rural Health Day: Empowering Rural Resilience
For National Rural… Read MoreLocation
P.O. Box 964
Monroeville, AL 36460